Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

About us

Growing up, Bright always knew his mother was a generous and compassionate person. But when she asked him to help pay tuition for some students as a birthday gift, it really hit home just how deeply she cared about helping others.

That request inspired Bright to think beyond his own needs and wants, and to consider how he could make a positive impact in the world. With that in mind, Bright set out to start a non-profit organization, even though he had no idea what he was doing or where to begin. There were plenty of ups and downs along the way, but through persistence and passion, he was able to turn ideas into reality with Brianca Adams.

Brianca and her family were interested in assisting and supported hugely for our first donation in Ghana together with another friend. They did not only provide financial support, but they also became a source of mentorship and guidance. With their support, we were able to make our first donation in Ghana. Seeing the impact of that donation was a life-changing experience for Bright and Brianca, and it showed the power of teamwork and the difference one person (or one family!) can make.

Bright and Brianca began supporting students in Winston Salem, NC in October 2023. They saw a need in their community, and had a desire to make a positive impact on a larger scale. They partnered with a local school in the area to help them pay for a field trip that was about to be cancelled. They wanted to ensure that no student misses out on enriching field trips due to financial constraints. Through community support and donors, they were able to establish a fund that covers the expenses for students who can't afford these educational experiences. This endeavor aims to create equal opportunities for all, fostering a sense of inclusivity and shared learning.

After many months of hard work, Brianca Adams and Bright Kavi began the application process to get Bridge in the Gap Worldwide a 501(c)(3) status. Obtaining 501(c)(3) status was a long and challenging process that involved a lot of paperwork and legal requirements, but they were determined to see it through. This was a huge milestone, and it allowed them to officially operate as a tax-exempt charitable organization. With their 501(c)(3) status in place, they were able to expand their reach and support even more students in Winston Salem. They launched new projects, such as tutoring programs and mentorship initiatives, to provide students with the resources they needed to succeed. Bridge in the Gap Worldwide was created to address gaps in children's education, driven by a belief that every child deserves quality learning opportunities. Motivated by a deep concern for the well-being of underprivileged children, they initiated a nonprofit focused primarily on aiding economically disadvantaged kids in accessing education. Recognizing the transformative power of education and witnessing disparities firsthand, they sought to break the cycle of poverty and offer children a chance for a brighter future. Our overall goal to make a positive impact by providing resources and support for their educational journey.

‘When u agree on a common idea and work towards it together, you can create something special‘ Brianca and Bright

We believe we can touch many lives.

At Bridge in the Gap, we recognize the immense value that education holds as a transformative force, capable of shaping brighter futures for individuals, communities, and entire nations.

Our Education Empowerment Initiative has already made a profound impact in two communities in Ghana, West Africa. With the support of our donors and volunteers, we provided over 450 students with essential school supplies like bookbags, shoes, uniforms, notebooks, pencils, erasers, and a wide selection of reading books. This investment in education has resulted in improved academic performance, increased school enrollment, and greater involvement of parents and the PTA in the lives of the students. Our Nonprofit can boast of three brilliant students in College pursuing Medicine, Nursing and Biomedical Science. We aim very high to build a community of well-mannered professional who are going to replicate the compassion shown to them.